Stop Specification – Austin Organ (Opus 219)

Choir Organ (under expression; Manual I)
8′ | Principal | 61 pipes |
8′ | Gedeckt | 61 pipes |
8′ | Dulciana | 61 pipes |
8′ | Unda Maris | 49 pipes |
4′ | Flauto Traverso | 61 pipes |
8′ | Clarinet | 61 pipes |
8′ | Trumpet (Gt) | |
Tremulant |
Great Organ (Manual II)
16′ | Double Open Diapason | 61 pipes |
8′ | Open Diapason | 61 pipes |
8′ | Stopped Diapason Open | 61 pipes |
8′ | Viola d’Amour | 61 pipes |
8′ | Octave | 61 pipes |
4′ | Hohlflute | 61 pipes |
2′ | Fifteenth | 61 pipes |
8′ | Trumper | 61 pipes |
Chimes |
Swell Organ (under expression; Manual III)
16′ | Bourdon | 61 pipes |
8′ | Geigen Diapason | 61 pipes |
8′ | Rohrflute | 61 pipes |
8′ | Viole d’Orchestra | 61 pipes |
8′ | Salicional | 61 pipes |
8′ | Vox Celeste | 61 pipes |
4′ | Spitz Principal | 61 pipes |
4′ | Flute d’Amour | 61 pipes |
2′ | Octave | 61 pipes |
1 1/3 | Larigot | 61 pipes |
8′ | Flugel Horn | 61 pipes |
8′ | Oboe | 61 pipes |
8′ | Vox Humana | 61 pipes |
Tremulant |
Pedal Organ
16′ | Open Diapason | 32 pipes |
16′ | Violone (Gt) | |
16′ | Bourdon | 32 pipes |
16′ | Lielich Gedeckt (Sw) | |
8′ | Principal | 32 pipes |
8′ | Flute | 13 pipes |
4′ | Octave | 32 pipes |
4′ | Flute d’Amour (Sw) | |
2′ | Super Octave (Sw) | |
II | Mixture | 64 pipes |
8′ | Trumpet (Gt) |
Sw to Sw 16′ | Gt to Gt 16′ | Gt to Ped 8′ |
Sw to Sw 4′ | Gt to Gt 4′ | Gt to Ped 4′ |
Sw Unison Off | Gt Unison Off | Sw to Ped 8′ |
Sw to Ch 16′ | Sw to Gt 16′ | Sw to Ped 4′ |
Sw to Ch 4′ | Sw to Gt 8′ | Ch to Ped 8′ |
Sw to Ch 4′ | Sw to Gt 4′ | Ch to Ped 4′ |
Ch to Choir 16′ | Ch to Gt 16′ | |
Ch to Ch 4′ | Ch to Gt 8′ | |
Ch Unison Off | Ch to Gt 4′ |
Tonal Resources
Thirty-Four Ranks (sets of pipes) currently
Forty-Two Ranks Planned at end of phase III
1625 Pipes
Combination Action
Nine General Thumb Pistons, 3 General (Ind.) Toe Studs
Eight Thumb Pistons for each Manual Division
Four Toe Studs for Pedal Division
Crescendo Pedal, Tutti (Thumb and Toe Stud)
We are grateful to the firm of Rosenberry & Myers Organbuilders for the fine work they have done to restore and maintain our organ. Phase 1 and 1a were completed in 2008. Phase 2, awaiting completion, will restore both the Pedal 16′ reed stop and the Great Mixture IV. Phase also include the addition of a 2 2/3′ Nazard, a 2′ Flute, and an 1 3/5′ Tierce stops on the Choir division.